Small Lay Flat - 8.6 x 4.7 inches / 10 oz/ 295.7 ml - fits money bills, receipts, pens, rulers and small accessories.
Medium Lay Flat - 9 x 5.7 inches / 12 oz / 354.9 ml - fits face masks, cellphone, power bank and charger wires, small toiletries. **This is slightly bigger than the small flat bag with just an inch difference. We believe that the minimal size difference is relevant because we are expecting consumers to mainly use these 2 sizes to organize the contents of their everyday bags. They need bag organizers to be small, space-saving, easy to stuff in and out of bags.
Large Lay Flat - 9 x 8.2 inches / 32 oz / 946.4 ml - fits a small notebook, notepad, for sandwiches and other food baon, and travel size toiletries, small size diapers, etc